
Explore My News,
Thoughts & Inspiration

I never dreamed or even thought about going on a mission trip to the Philippines. Little did I know God has better plans for me!! He called me to the Philippines through the obedience of my cousin who was called first and who then asked for prayer for someone to go with her to the Philippines. I was the answer to those prayers. 
My faith has never been stretched as it has through this mission trip from the preparations, to the trip and then back home. 

Never had I been required by God to step out on faith in such a huge way financially but I knew God would not begin a work in me that He Himself would not bring to completion so I knew He would provide the funds needed for every aspect of the trip and He did. 

My cousin and I did absolutely no fundraising. We trusted God and testified to anyone who would listen what God was doing in our lives. People began to come to us and give us money for the trip. Both of our plane tickets and the majority of the cost of the trip was fully funded by the obedience of others to God and their willingness to walk beside us financially. 

By no means am I a small person. To be honest, I am very, very over weight so I doubted my ability to fit in an airplane seat let alone sit in one for hours at a time. Plus, before this trip I had a hard time dealing with heat and humidity. God worked everything out and I believe He did so because my cousin and I cover every aspect of the trip with prayer. God showed up in mighty ways. 

I had no problem with the flying, the heat or humidity!!

I can honestly say this mission trip has changed my life and grown me in ways I only dreamed about. 

The training for the Beauty for Ashes retreat we were going to do for the girls and lady boys was powerful. I have never been a part of a mission trip where the Holy Spirit was so powerfully felt. 

The training opened my eyes up to see how God sees me and how I see God and that even from day to day this insight can change. 

When I did the retreat with the young women and young man, I drew pictures along with them and everyday my pictures were different and in some cases they were similar but never the same. Our relationship with God should be ever growing and it will if we abide in Him and He in us. 

I am praying about doing the facilitator’s training because I know how powerful this is and i hunger and thirst to share this with others. It brings healing and it helps to grow your relationship with God but it is also empowering and equipping. I love to share blessings that God has given to me! Beauty for Ashes is a huge blessing and gift from God. 

I also love giving the Holy Spirit the freedom to show up and show off, not only in my life but also in the lives of those receiving the prophetic notes!! Oh my goodness!! I so loved that and it was a huge blessing to me and the girls I ministered to. 

Thank y’all for allowing the Holy Spirit to speak Truth into our lives and to empower and equip us in such a powerful and easy way that can be shared with others. Go God!

By Cindy Sumner